Hello my lovely readers...
This is the most popular cushion at this moment among Indonesian Blogger. I believe if you follow most of Indonesian blogger you might already seen one of them talking about this new cushion from The Face Shop. Even though I know that there are so many review about this particular cushion, but if you have oily skin and always skeptical about Korean Cushion type of bb cream or foundation like me. Then you might want to know what will I say ^^
Couple weeks ago, The Face Shop Indonesia finally launched their Oil Control Water Cushion at Senayan City, Jakarta. Now days, cushion technology become more popular especially due to their easy to use, and travel friendly concept. This is not the first cushion I've ever tried, but so far this is the only cushion I like to use.
Packaging wise, The Face Shop Oil Control Water Cushion is the same size as the other cushions. With white and silver packaging and nothing written on it except for a small The Face Shop logo on the middle. It simple but yet elegant.
I am not sure if this one is a bb cream or foundation cushion. I would say it's in between. It has the light consistency of a bb cream, but the coverage and lasting power of a foundation. I would say it have medium to full coverage which is impressive because most of Korean cushion usually have sheer coverage. It contains sunblock with SPF 50+ and PA+++, without causing photo flashback. It's not those bb cream that's going to melt after 3 hours of use. I am been using it regularly and it still looks good on me even after 6 hours.
It comes in 2 shades that you can get at The Face Shop Indonesia for about IDR 329.000. If I am not mistaken they currently having a promotion where you can get a free refill.
The shade I got is Natural Beige (V203). It match my NC 25 skin tone perfectly. The color have yellow undertone so If you are Asian, I believe you could easily get the shade that works good on you.
I won't bother try to explain to you about the packaging. You know the drill about cushion packaging. It always comes with a sponge soaked with the liquid product and an applicator that stored above the lid, that covering the sponge. One thing I love about this Water Cushion from The Face Shop is the applicator. Somehow it's slightly different compare to the other cushion I tried. It has a very soft sponge surface. The Face Shop called it as Microfoam. Microfoam made from a fine foam with high-density cells. It makes application become easy, smooth and didn't cause cakey face.
During application, I suggest you to apply it section by section. Start from left cheek, to right cheek, to the chin and lips area and last is on the forehead area. It much easier using cushion that way to archive even skin tone.
As you can see from this picture bellow, it does cover my acne scar and even out my skin tone. Please excuse the light changes. It still have slightly dewy finish. I found my skin looks dewy and glowy, which is a signature style for Korean Makeup. If you have dry skin than you don't need extra powder. For me, I still prefer to set it with a loose powder.
Final Words
Overall, I really love this product. I tried some cushion foundation from big brand name before, but this is so far the best cushion that match my skin needs. If you have oily skin like me, and you want a good coverage of foundation than I highly recommended this one. People with dry skin might find this cushion too matte, but people with oily to combination skin will looks good using it even after 6 hours. But if your skin is super oily, it might not enough to control your oiliness.
Your can also find me at
See you on my next post
Jean Milka
Disclimer : This product was send to me for further assessment and review. This Article is but a reflection of my personal thoughts and experience.
Coveragenya bagus yaaa....
BalasHapusIya bagus banget. Di banding jenis-jenis cushion lainnya, kayaknya ini uda yang paling coverage
Hapusyaa bener banget, best cushion. warna nya bisa buat asian yg yellow under tone, ngeblend gitu lama2. ga putih (meski pake shade yg gelap) seperti brand korea lainnya. sifatnya seperti cc cream sedikit. hihihi....
BalasHapusiya, aku juga pernah tuch pakai brand lain, trus secara warna sich uda pas, tapi tone nya ke putih gitu. jadi setelah beberapa jam dan mulai melt, warnanya kesannya jadi kayak ada cream putih di wajah, putihnya beda banget sama warna kuning kulitku. hehehehe
HapusYa ampun. tekstur nya lucu! :3
BalasHapushehehehe.. Kanapa lucu?
HapusKeren cushion buat Oily skin bisa tahan 6 jam lagi kan jarang jarang ada.
BalasHapusHy hy, Dont forget visit ma blog yaa ^^
Hello Rifka, Iya Cushionnya ini itu tahan lama. Kalau aku tetap butuh kertas minyak sich. Tapi tanpa touch up powder pun masih okay banget kok ^^
Hapuspenasaran banget sama makeup-makeup cushion ini, tapi belum coba karena orangnya kurang suka explore. jadinya malah sering baca-baca liat tutorial tapi belum beli juga :)) thanks reviewnya ^^
BalasHapusFani. R (http://beauty.grivy.com/h/)
Content Writer
PT. Grivy Dotcom
P: +62(0)21 2960 8168
Office 8 Tower, Floor 18A
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta Selatan, 12190, Indonesia
Bagus kok yang ini, terutama kalau jenis kulitmu itu berminyak
Hapusaku pengeeenn coba cushion ini Jean, reviewnya bagus..sayangnya kemarin pas lewat depan TFS solo masih iklannya aja tapi barangnya kosong *sigh*
BalasHapus♥ Pinastika Beauty Blog ♥
Iya bagus banget dech. Ini tuch satu2nya cushion yang aku rasa ngak bikin minyakkan dan bisa nge-cover. Mau titip ke aku beli? Bisa aku bantu kirimkan kalau kamu mau ^^
HapusWahh oke yaa, lom pernah coba cushion.
BalasHapusJadi ga sabar pengen coba juga dari kawaii beauty japan.
Cushion tuch enak baget, pakainya mudah dan cepat ^^ Harus coba :)
Hapusini packagingnya sama kayak TFS yang screen cell ya? jadi tinggal beli refillnya aja?
BalasHapusIya ^^ betul sekali...
Hapuspilih TSF Oil Control Water Cushion or Lancome Cushion?
BalasHapusNah kalau itu bener2 tergantung preferences. Aku suka dua2nya sich. Kalau mau di suruh milih agak sulit. Lancome lebih bagus dari sisi coverage. Kalau The Face Shop sedikit lebih tahan lama untuk oily skin. Overall aku bener2 suka dua2nya, pilihan terakhir itu tergantung di harganya. hehehehe....
Hapuskalo cushion TSF sama laneige bagus mana jean?
BalasHapusAku lebih suka TFS, kalau Laneige lebih cocok untuk jenis kulit kering menurutku
Hapusklo laneige cushion pore control sdh prnah coba blm? bagus mana laneige pore control sama The Face Shop Cushion Screen Cell?
BalasHapusAku pernah coba Laneige Cushion Pore Control, tapi belum pernah coba yang TFS Screen Cell. Jadi mohon maaf aku nggak bisa ngasi opini
HapusKalo untuk kulit agak gelap bisa ga ya?
BalasHapusHemm di Indonesia hanya ada 2 pilihan warna sich kalau aku gak salah. Ada baiknya kamu ke counter/ search2 dulu untuk pilihan warna yang ada. Kalau ternyata shade nya ada yang cocok untuk kamu tapi tidak di jual di Indo, kamu mungkin bisa coba PO melalui online shop gitu. Tapi kalau dari segi tone, tone nya itu yellow, bukan putih gitu, jadi menurut aku ada pilihan warna yang bisa cocok untuk sebagian besar warna kulit sich.
HapusSemoga jawaban ini membantu kamu. And thanks you for visiting my blog ^^
Kalo lanegige pore control dg TSF yg oil control bagusan mana?
BalasHapusAku pribadi lebih suka TFS yang ini. Laneige terlalu oily buat aku
HapusHalo kak
BalasHapusKalo ini dibandingin dengan cc intense cover bagusan mana ya buat oily? Bingung, pengen nyoba cushion. Thankyou
Hemmm... Plus minus sbenanrya. Yang ini (water cushion oil control) lebih nggak oily, tapi bedanya dikit bangetttt. Hampir sama. Kalau yang Intense Cover lebih ke arah coveragenya yang okay. Finishnya agak satin, nggak gitu matte. Tapi tinggal pake bedak aja, dan okay kok. Aku pribadi lebih suka yang Intense Cover, soalnya lebih cover. Kalau oily aku tinggal touch up aja.
HapusHai , kalo yg cc intense cover itu longlasting mana yah sm yg oil control ini? Cc intense cocok ga buat oily skin?
BalasHapusemmm sbenarnya hampir mirip banget. Tapi yang oil control sedikit lebih tahan lama. tapi g beda jauh kok. Kalo buat oily skin sich dua2 nya cocok. Tinggal kamu milih aja prefer yang mana hehehe
HapusHai kak, kalau TFS ini dibandingin sm etude real powder cushion bagus mana? Terimakasih! :)
BalasHapusLebih yahud yang etude real powder cushion. Aku akan review juga nich yg etude. Ditunggu yah. Hopefully coming soon ^^
HapusHai jean, between tfs ini sama maybelline bb cushion, prefer yg mana buat oily skin?
BalasHapusAku bingung mo beli yang mana,, hiks
Hemmm aku g pernah cobain maybelline cushion. Jadi maaf nggak bisa komen juga :(
Hapusuntuk oil control nya lebih bagus tfs ini dibanding laneige pore control? kalau buat yang sweaty, prefer mana ya? thanks, ak suka review nya
BalasHapusBagus ini jauhhhh. Laneige di aku oily banget
HapusKa. Mau tanya. Kalau kulit putih shadenya yang 201 atau 203? Baru mau coba2 tfs ni kak :)
BalasHapusAku prefer yang 203. Yang 201 agak pink tone gitu, nah menurut aku kalau kulit Indonesia gitu lebih cocok yang yellow tone. Tapi baiknya kamu cek ke couter dulu sebelum memutuskan yah ^^
HapusHai..makasi reviewsnya, kebetulan baru pengen nyobaik cushion (telat bgt ya haha) tp aku bingung cara makenya, orang2 sering blg cushion ini praktis krn bisa buat touch up... tp kalau kayak km yg stlh pakai ini di set dulu dgn bedak, nanti touch up nya pakai cushion atau pakai bedak? (supaya tau aja apa aku hrs bawa2 cushionnya di makeup pouch aku atau ngga hehe)
BalasHapusKarena jenis kulit aku berminak, aku lebih suka touch up pake bedak. Kalau pake cushion lebih cocok buat yang tipe kulit kering. Cushion boleh nggak di set lagi pake bedak, tapi tergantung cushion sama jenis kulit kamu juga
HapusKak kalau TFS sama innisfree long wear bagus mana?
BalasHapusmirip-mirip sih. lebih ke pilihan aja. Innisfree Long wear agak sedikit lebih matte dan berasa pake foundation gitu. TFS ini sedikit lebih light dan natural tapi coverage nya lebih kurang.