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Product Review Benefit Porefessional - My Holy Grail

14 Maret 2014
Hay Everyone...

Here it is the most famous Benefit Porefessional full review. I think this is the most famous product from Benefit cosmetics.  Basically this is a pore balm that help you to minimize appearance of your pores. This is one of my January Beauty favorite *check it here*.

This product won't minimize your pore, It's more like foundation primer that instantly help you to minimize the appearance of pores when you use it. Benefit porefessional is the first pores balm I tried.
There is so many beauty gurus talk about this product. Pores is the biggest problem for my skin. I was born with genetically big pores. First time I heard good review about this product, I am so excited to tried.

Box Packaging : nominate with mint and soft yellow color, the packaging is really Benefit signature packaging. Kinda like vintage and classy.  The box packaging can be opened like a book and there is a picture of an agent and more description about this product.

Product Story : Benefit packaging always tells a story. This product story is about an agent who will help our big pores problem called as "The Porefessional Action Figure".

Product Packaging : It's come in sleek tube.. tube or pump is always better than jar.

What it's claim :
1. Quickly minimize the appearance of pores : It does... It's not like your pore will be gone.. but it does make it looks smaller that the real one.
2. Silky and lightweight formula : Totally agree. It's makes my skin feel silky, and it doesn't feel too face as a primer.
3.Minimize the appearance of fine lines : I don't have fine line, so I don't know about this one.
4. Make your skin smoother : yeah of course..
5. Oil Control : I am not really sure about this one, but I do feel it's help my oily skin a bit. I still get oily after around 4 hours.

How to Use ?
It's supposed to use as foundation primer. I use this after my moisturizer or sun block *if I use one*. On the packaging, it says you can apply this product for touch up during the day when you get oily. But I never tried since it's too expensive for this purpose *I prefer to use oil control film or power* and I am worry if it will my foundation looks cakey.

Formula : It's looks like nude cream but it's actually transparent. When you apply this product to your skin it feels very silky. It does contain silicon I think, which is not good for your pores. I suggest you exfoliate your skin if you use this product, or at least clean your face using facial fash *not only make up wipes or creme cleanser*

Result - before and after picture
*Sorry for the light.. But basically it's looks more flawless in real life, just like you can see, even after I show it in detail, it does looks like minimize my pores*

 -- Before --

 -- After apply Benefit Porefessional--

-- After apply Revlon Colorstay liquid foundation and set it with NYX mineral powder --

Pros :
1. Loves how this product can minimize appearance of my pores
2. Makes your skin feels smooth and silky
3. help to control my oily skin

Cons :
1. Pricey
2. Contains silicon which is not good for our skin

That is all for my review... I hope review can give you all information you need for this product. If you like this review, don't forget to follow my blog for more review.

Readers : Have you tried this product? I really want to know what is your opinion. Or do you have any other recommended pores balm?


Jean Milka

18 komentar on "Product Review Benefit Porefessional - My Holy Grail"
  1. haven't tried this product, has been on my wishlist for so long.... lol

    Love, Leonita

    1. Try this.. It's really worth the hype.. especially if you have problem with pores.. *like me* hehehe

  2. Great review, I love this product too, especially the matte texture to the skin !! but it's really quite pricey in a way... :(
    facebook/smallnhot | twitter/mysarah159 | BlogLovin/smallnhot |

    1. I am totally agree with you.. it's really expensive... hahaha... I still tried to find another alternative

  3. mau beli tp pricey huhu :'(
    btw dear ak mau follow GFC mu kok ngga bisa yah :'(


    1. Hay Jessica... Harusnya bisa kok... coba sekali lagi dech di coba.. bisa nggak?

  4. penasaran pengen coba tapi malah ya >.<

    1. Cobain raden.. Bagus banget dech.. Tapi skin kamu uda flawless gt lah.. g perlu pore balm ^-^

  5. WOW.... jadi ngecilin gituuu...

    1. Iya, ini bagus baget sich. So Far tetap kesukaan aku

  6. nice review ^^
    I'm following you mind to follow back?

  7. mmm
    it contains silicon
    just know it from your post..
    nice review

    1. Iya dech. Menurut aku ada kandungan silikonnya. Karena bisa kerasa gt. Rara-rata produk primer yang untuk pore minimizer memang mengandung silikon sich

  8. ini sama nyx pores killer bagusan mana ya.. ad yg perna nyobain pores killer nyx blm? thx before ^^

    1. Bagus ini. NYX terlalu bersilikon banget. So far aku rasa primer yang buat pore minimizer gt, ini tuch the best one. Yang dari Make up Forever juga okay. Tapi yang ini lebih nutup pore sich rasanya. Nanti akan aku review juga yang MUFE Step 1. Yang juga ku pakai di video tutorial ku di Youtube.

  9. Kalo dibandingin sama makeover hydrating serum bagusan yang mana ya kira-kira?

    1. Menurut aku beda yah. Kalau ini tuch buat minimize tampilan pori2. Tapi kalau maveover hydrating itu lebih buat yang jenis kulit kering kalau aku ngak salah. Aku juga belum pernah coba jadi nggak gitu bisa kasi masukkan. Yang pasti primer itu bergantung ke kebutuhan / jenis kulit kamu sendiri ^^


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