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#BeautyBoundAsia : I Am Jean Milka | #AboutMe

28 Agustus 2015
Hello My Lovely readers..

I just want to let you know that I recently joined Beauty Bound Asia. I just found out about Beauty Bound Asia last night and today is actually the last day for the first challenge submission. What is Beauty Bound Asia? It's an opportunity for all of you beauty creators out there (bloggers, vloggers, makeup artists, etc) to take your skills to the next level. I see Beauty Bound Asia as a place where I can meet more people and share tons of experiences.

jean milka, introduction, beauty bound asia, about me

Beauty Bound Asia is looking for the next top beauty creator. Last night, I was thinking that I wouldn't make it for the first submission. However, I knew that I wanted this so bad. I want to meet more people who love the same things I do, learn from the expert and have chance to work with legit beauty brands. I want to acquire more experience, hone my skills and hope I will able to share more with you.

Daily Style : Go Back to School Makeup and Outfit - Tutorial and Ideas

27 Agustus 2015
Hello lovely ladies..

Since I managed to took pictures of my makeup and outfit yesterday. I thought why not compose all these pictures into a blog post. My outfit and makeup yesterday is quite simple and easy to recreate. It might be too late, but this following pictures probably could give you some ideas for Back To School outfit and makeup.

back to school, makeup, fashion, ideas, tips, trick, tutorial, beginners

Excuse my silly expression. I just always feel like I looks better with silly face than my normal smiling face ^^. What do you think?

Limited Edition : The Body Shop Virgin Mojito Collection

26 Agustus 2015
Hello ladies...

First of all, let's just ignore the color contrast of following pictures. It takes me so long to captured and edited all pictures for this review. I don't know why but body product especially those with a soft color packaging is so hard to capture. It's always over exposure and the color is not as vibrant as the real color.

the body shop, limited edition, virgin mojito, body care, virgin mojito collection, body soap, body wash, body butter

I told you thousands times that I love to include something that smells good into my shower routine. Shower time, especially at night, is an escape way from a tiring day in my opinion. That's why, I am so happy when I found a package of The Body Shop Virgin Mojito on my work desk. Virgin Mojito is a limited edition collection for this summer. This collection has actually been launched since May, if I am not wrong. But of course due to our regulation, it takes longer for these product to entered The Body Shop Indonesia.

Drugstore : Skin Aqua BB Cream | Review

20 Agustus 2015
Hello beauty lovers...

Here I am with another product review. It's feels like such a long time since I published product-review-article. I start to alternate my article between a product review article, thematic article like my favorites Canmake products, fashion article, travel diary #TravelWithJeanMilka, and also a video tutorial.

I am actually very confused about what you girls like to see. Is it a product review of newly lunch product? a video tutorial? or my most favorites beauty product? did you prefer a video or blog post? I am very confused. I really want to present something that you like and also useful for you girls, so... if you have anything in mind, let me know. You can contact me anywhere, I listed my contact down bellow.

skin aqua, bb cream, makeup, review, japan, everyday,

Because I talk about high end foundation most of the times, either on my blog or my tutorial. This past months I tried to find an affordable makeup base that is also light enough for everyday use. I told you that I am having such a bad breakouts lately and I try to minimizing the use of makeup especially a heavy, full-coverage foundation.

Story About Honey's Journey with Natural Honey

13 Agustus 2015
Hello my lovely readers ^^

Tentunya kamu ingat donk kalau beberapa waktu lalu aku sempat sharing tentang salah satu body lotion lokal yang aku suka yaitu Natural Honey? Ternyata aku adalah salah satu  dari 10 finalis untuk Natural Honey Blogging Competition.  

Sebelumnya aku mau kasi sedikit disclaimer bahwa meskipun review yang sebelumnya aku tulis adalah sebagai bentuk partisipasi aku dalam Natural Honey Blogging Competition, bukan berarti review-nya aku poles yah. Semua review yang kamu baca di blog ini akan selalu merupakan refleksi dari opini pribadiku. #HaveTrustInMe ^^

beauty trip, jean milka, natural honey, honey, indonesian, blogger

Pada tanggal 1 Agustus 2015 lalu, Natural Honey mengajak kesepuluh finalis untuk ikut serta dalam Honey's Journey "Well-Being in Natural Way". Bersama dengan para media, kami di ajak untuk berkunjung ke Taman Wisata Lebah Wiladatika, Cibubur. Ini pertamakalinya aku berkunjung ke perternakan lebah. Acara dimulai dengan presentasi mengenai lebah, madu, dan manfaatnya untuk kecantikan. 

My Everyday Makeup Routine | Video Tutorial

Hello my lovely readers...

Setelah lama banget nggak pernah post tutorial makeup, akhirnya aku berhasil menyelesaikan video tutorial pertamaku #Yeihhhh ^^

tutorial, video, youtube, jeanmilka, everyday, makeup, asian, small eyes

Nah di tutorial pertamaku ini, aku berbagi tips and trick untuk makeup look sehari-hari, terutama untuk kamu yang bermata sipit seperti aku. Karena mataku kecil banget, aku cenderung menggunakan eyeshadow berwarna gelap di daerah lipatan mata untuk membuat mataku terlihat lebih berdimensi. 

The Balm Mr. Write Now - Review and Swatches

11 Agustus 2015
Hello beauty enthusiastic...

Akhirnya aku kembali nge-blog setelah seminggu lebih tidak memiliki semangat sama sekali untuk menulis #Sorry ^^. Mungkin karena beberapa waktu belakangan ini aku hanya bermain aman dengan makeup produk yang memang my all time favorites. Selain itu aku lagi sibuk dengan ide untuk mengembangkan youtube channel ku yang semoga kedepannya bisa jadi media untuk aku berbagi ilmu tentang teknik-teknik makeup. Please subscribe to my youtube channel *here* if you want me to create tutorial videos #GiveMeTheReason #TellMeYou'llWatchIt :P

Kamu tahu donk kalau The Balm baru saja mengeluarkan eyeliner dalam bentuk pensil? Kalau aku nggak salah ini adalah eyeliner pertam dari The Balm dech. Seperti biasa The Balm selalu kreaktif dalam menamakan produk-produknya. Eyeliner pencil The Balm yang ini bernama "MR. Write (Now)". Selain namanya yang dikaitkan dengan kata Mr. Right, pilihan warna eyeliner ini juga disebut dengan nama karakter cowok yang diciptakan The Balm.

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