Hello from Singapore...

Well I am not at Singapore right now but in today post I am going to share with you my last trip to Singapore with Emina Cosmetics. I didn't plan to blog about this trip so I didn't stock up any landscape or foodie photos. But because this trip was provided by Emina Cosmetics and I was part of the lucky girls got to have two professional photographers following me around, I ended up getting so many pictures. It would be a crime if I don't compile these picture onto a blog post :P
This was not my first time visiting Singapore. If you follow me on Instagram, which you should if you haven't LOL... I travel to Singapore quite often. Even thought I tend to get slightly bored with Singapore, I totally enjoyed my trip with with Emina Cosmetics. Because the videographer was asked to shoot some footage of this trip, the band and I ended up visiting so many interesting sites and landmarks in Singapore - most of which I've never visited or even heard of before.

I was not the only person to participate in this fun trip. My travel buddies bak then were Marsha (my esteemed fellow beauty blogger), Anti (one of the brains behind Emina Cosmetics), also Ceki and Fufu (a pair of extremely talented videographer from Emina Cosmetics).
I had been told from the get go that we were going to visit some popular streets and alleys in Singapore. For this reason I decided to wear a sleeveless top, denim short and a pair of comfortable sneakers. On the airplane, I wore a casual blazer in dark blue to keep me warm, as you can see on the first picture. Highlight of this outfit is my leather sneakers in pastel blue I got from VNC. It's comfortable and the color really suites me ^^
I had been told from the get go that we were going to visit some popular streets and alleys in Singapore. For this reason I decided to wear a sleeveless top, denim short and a pair of comfortable sneakers. On the airplane, I wore a casual blazer in dark blue to keep me warm, as you can see on the first picture. Highlight of this outfit is my leather sneakers in pastel blue I got from VNC. It's comfortable and the color really suites me ^^
My first stop in Singapore was Haji Lane. This narrow lane, hidden away in the heart of Muslim quarter, is a paradise for fashionistas. There are some indie brand and local designers along with multitude of cafes and bars encompassed along Haji Lane. This lane is also perfect for taking pictures especially for fashion bloggers, thanks to the beautiful architecture of the surrounding buildings. I also found a cafe with walls full of colourful graffiti where locales, tourists and passerbys stopped to take pictures. I even witnessed a group of girls with stylish outfits put so much effort in shooting such photos. Not only did they bring their DSLR Camera which must been pretty heavy but they also brought spare heels to exchange with their slippers for the photos sake. Life as a blogger is indeed kind of difficult hahaha...
Outfit Details
Light blue tank top is from H&M
Denim short is from Zara
Pastel blue sneakers is from VNC
Bag is Coach Swagger 27 in Dark Gunmetal/Cornflower Multi
Sunglasses is from Chloe
We had lunch at Bergs Cafe in Haji Lane. They served burgers and fish & chips. The price is quite affordable and the portions of each meal were huge. I wasn't able to finish mine whereby I'm used to eating like rabid Hippo hehehe... Size-wise, the cafe is actually quite compact with minimum decoration but you'll still be able find some interesting spots to take Insta-worthy photos.

This is just part one of my trip story to Singapore with Emina Cosmetics. So make sure you drop by and check out for the second part next week. I plan to give a breakdown of this trip based on the outfit I wear. You can follow this blog by click "Join This Site" on the side bar or follow my blog via Bloglovin so you can catch up with my new post. Or you can also add my Line@ : @jeanmilka (using @), feel free to chat with me anytime ^^
Anti, Fufu and Ceki from Emina Cosmetics. Thank you so much for the wonderful trip ^^
That is all for today post, I hope you enjoying it ^^
Your can also find me at
See you on my next post
Jean Milka
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