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Ballerina Red for Chinese New Year | Jean Milka OOTD

03 Februari 2016
Hello Fashionista...

I just aware that on the next 5 days, we are going to celebrate Chinese New Year. I came from Chinese descendant family, but I know nothing about Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year or Imlek. My family doesn't celebrate Chinese New Year and we don't even know what is the tradition behind that ooppssss... hahaha... There is a tradition called "Ang Pao" where the older or married people give money to the younger or unmarried people inside red envelopes during Lunar New Year. In my family, we usually got "Ang Pao" during International New Year on 1 January. Sometimes if I was spending time with my big family, we went for dinner. But most of the times, I spend Imlek just like a regular day.

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Although I don't have any special occasion for Lunar New Year, I still want to share an outfit inspiration that might be useful for you, girls. This time, I combined a ballerina-kind-of-skirt with bright red color, the color of Lunar New Year, with a sleeveless shirt in Batik print. The skirt I am using is made from suede material. It's thick and flowy that make me feels like ballerina. I guess you already notice that I am all about using skirts ^^

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ootd, jeanmilka ootd, outfit of the day, imlek style, lunar new year, chinese new year, fashion, fashion blogger, fashion blogger indonesia

Outfit Details

Shirt is Diana Top from Seribu_Kencana

That is all for today post
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If you have any question, you can ask me on here
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See you on my next post


Jean Milka
Disclaimer: I notice that there are some designer items on this outfit inspiration post. But please noted that you can always alternate the items with whatever you have in your wardrobe. Be creative and keep stylish ^^
4 komentar on "Ballerina Red for Chinese New Year | Jean Milka OOTD"
  1. Seriously you dont know??? Wahhh kl di keluarga bsar aku, stiap malam xin jia (tahun baru cina) makan" di resto ma keluarga besar. Pd kumpul deh tuh dr asuk mpe ii mpe ke anak pinak. Paginya, ke rumah asuk plg gede bt kumpul" smbl bwa makanan trus mkn rame". Plus dpt angpao ~ . Tahun ini tahun baru jtuh tgl 8 pebruari, dan makan"na tgl 7 pebruari. Makananya kdg variasi ato kdg bsa sama sih =)

    1. Iya hahaha. Keluarga inti aku tingal jauh dari keluarga besar aku. Semua keluarga aku terpisah-pisah jauh banget. Jadinya jarang ada tradisi apapun. Makan-makan pun tidak. Saat Imlek, keluarga aku melakukan semuanya seperti biasa. Kita pun masih kerja seperti biasa. hahahaha....

      Seru juga yah bisa kumpul keluarga gitu, kadang pengen tapi kalau di keluargaku susah sich karena pada jauh. Semoga post ini berguna dech buat inspirasi outfit kamu pas makan2 tanggal 7 Feb.

      Wish you have a great time with your family ^^

  2. Huehhh jarang?? Eh buset jstru kl di keluargaku pas malemnya kita mlh sibuk dandan xD trus udh gak beres" rumah pas xincia, katnya kl nyapu buang hoki~ di rumah jg gak ada pernak" hiasan imlek, plg dpt kiriman kue keranjang. Smoga jean bisa kumpul dngan keluarga inti yah tahun ini ^^ . Yes i hope you enjoy your lunar too with your beloved ♡♡

    1. Iya jarang. Soalnya keluarga aku jauh-jauh semua sich. Jadinya jarang kumpul2. Hehehehe.

      Wish you have a happy Lunar New Year ^^


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